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February 2, 2024

Democratic Party Centrist Doug Bugie Supports 2nd Amendment, Owns Guns, but Stands Up to End Semi-Automatics

Doug Bugie has been a gun owner since Boy Scouts. He supports the Second Amendment fully. But he has also been involved in trying to curb gun violence for 45 years.

February 2, 2023

Democratic Party Centrist Doug Bugie Supports 2nd Amendment, Owns Guns, but Stands Up to End Semi-Automatics

Doug Bugie is a Centrist running in the Ohio House Democratic Primary/District 7 west and south of Cleveland.

Bugie has been a gun owner since Boy Scouts. He supports the Second Amendment fully. But he has also been involved in trying to curb gun violence for 45 years.

“I'm proud of a letter I received from then Congressman Ed Feighan in 1986 (see below), who was a Democratic sponsor of the Brady Bill,” Bugie says. “I'm not at all happy with the ever-rising wave of gun deaths, in our schools, churches and stores. Like all Americans, my heart breaks and has been broken too many times with the killing of school children and their protectors and tragedy almost beyond comprehension.

“It's time for the Center to rise and for Congress to do what's right across both parties and Independents where sensible gun laws are favored by a majority of Americans. Let’s start to reign in gun violence in real ways, not handwringing.” Bugie recalls that in the mid 80's 10,000 people were dying from guns each year. “Now it is 50,000, as many people as in the Korean Conflict and Vietnam, each, as many as Bay Village, Westlake and Rocky River, Ohio combined.  I left the Republican Party because they won't stand up to the NRA, but this is true with many Democrats too. It's all about money. I pledge I won't take a dime from the NRA until they change their views on semi-automatics.

“I've worked in some of the most violent places on earth – Iraq, Iran, South Africa, Libya, Mexico and Nigeria, and I wasn't always in the posh hotels, no way. Let me tell you it's far easier to get a gun in the USA.

“I support buying back semi-automatics in the market for triple their worth. Let's make existing semi-automatic ownership require someone's mental health to be solid and, yes, make mental health care easily accessible to all. Let's never sell them at gun fairs. Let's follow red flag laws as a community effort, neighborly and noble. If you see something weird going on like the stockpiling of weapons and ammunition, threats, antisocial behavior – report it, don't stand back, even if it's your kid.  Do it for your neighbors, your families and yourselves.

“Let me say it again. I own guns. I have since Dad bought my first Daisy bb rifle. I am for the Second Amendment without reservation. But it is time for both parties to come together and finally begin to stop the carnage and end this insanity.”

Bugie’s views on banning semi-automatics are here:

Link to Letter from Edward Feighan is here: