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January 17, 2024

No More Homeless Vets – Not One!

Doug Bugie Run for U.S. Congress – “No More Homeless Vets – Not One!” Ohio Candidate Drives Bipartisan Solutions to Longstanding Problems

--FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE-- December 28, 2023

Veterans suffer a higher suicide rate, joblessness, drug usage, poverty, and homelessness than any other category of Americans. Candidate Doug Bugie believes this issue is a disgrace and solving it requires rising above party politics. 

'There should not be one homeless vet – not one.  All Americans know this is not who we are as a people, especially so during the holidays, when we all know being alone and left out hurts even more. We can rally to find ways to end these conditions for those we should thank the most – veterans.”

Engage young adults and AmeriCorps.

“We can rally to this cause in every town and city, to lift those who served our country, and by doing so,”says Bugie, lift ourselves as well.”Bugie proposes systematically engaging gap-year and college-age youth and AmeriCorps to generate civic action at the street level. Thousands of young Americans would form an army to stop and talk to the homeless veterans and help them get care and housing.

“The norm is to see a man or woman at a freeway exit or pushing a cart around town with all their earthly belongings and we see a homeless vet sign (I realize that it may be a ploy sometimes), scrape up some loose change, hand it to them out the window and move on. It is a sorry state of affairs for anyone to be in that shape, but for a veteran? It should be never.” 

Find solutions to decades-old problems with a bipartisan Congress.

Bugie believes there can be bipartisan solutions to finally solving the nation's most severe problems, including:

  • Completely stopping fentanyl coming into the USA, using military and all means
  • Stopping illegal immigration from our southern border until we arrive at a working solution, but vastly increasing the number of legal immigrants, who have always been the lifeblood of our nation 
  • Preventing the manufacture of semi-automatic weapons
  • Making policing a noble and respected profession once again.

Who is Doug Bugie?

Ohio businessman Doug Bugie is running as a Democrat in Ohio’s Seventh District after 20 years in the Republican party. The seat is currently held by Republican Max Miller, a Trump-endorsed candidate. 

Bugie has been bipartisan all his life and has made it work. He organized Democrat and Republican leaders to convince a major British company to move to Cleveland after they decided on Raleigh, N.C. They hired hundreds in CLE and 2,000 nationally – and cherry on the sundae is that the British company’s leader and his family are becoming American citizens!

As a global entrepreneur, Bugie helped start hundreds of recruitment businesses in the United States and worldwide which have put more than 100,000 people into jobs. He has been deeply involved in a wide range of political and social causes and boards at the leadership level for many years. 

Bugie ran for Congress as a Democrat over 30 years ago but was in the Republican Party for the last 20 years. However, he says, “I have a lot of Republican friends, and I listen to them, but the party has moved too far right for me, and I believe for many in my district and this country.

“I have no illusions about the challenges but am confident that we can achieve bipartisan solutions on gun violence, stopping fentanyl, supporting women’s choice,  supporting the police, improving race relations, controlling social media, and protecting the environment along with energy independence.”

With malice toward none, with charity toward all.

Bugie says, “I pledge to follow Lincoln’s words which saved the Union.” He also urges Americans to heed JFK’s words: “We the People are the boss. In the end, we will get the kind of political leadership, good or bad, that we demand and deserve.”

Bugie, 70, is a baby boomer from Bay Village, Ohio’s Seventh District which covers urban and rural areas and small towns west and southwest of Cleveland.
